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Danielle Baez
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Dear Future Self,

I hope all is well, I hope the world has taken action to save the future that you are now in. I hope the world you are in is safe and that you are happy and surrounded by like-minded people who care for the earth as much as you. Don’t lose sight of who you are and what you stand for!

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More Messages to the Future


For my most dear and only daughter,

And I know life more fully because of you whom I live on through. 


Dear Logan,

I am working every second of my life, with every ounce of my being, to ensure that I am leaving you and your brother a planet that is safe and secure.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to only use metal straws and reusable cups.


Dear Future Today,

Here in California we’re starting to recognize our climate changing the natural world around us.


Dear Tomorrow,

We only have 11 years left until the damage done by climate change is irreversible.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to not waste food and eat locally grown food.


Dear Tomorrow,

I feel optimistic for you, tomorrow. I can feel a shift happening already.



Espero de verdade saber contribuir para legá-la inteira para você, e que todos saibamos fazer isso em conjunto também.


Dear Amara and Uma,

Maybe you heard about bats? Bats, the carriers of this disease that spread among us like wild fire. I love bats. When I was your age today, sitting in the evening on the back terrace of your grandparent’s home in Ibiza, hundreds of bats would play, dance and sing among the trees.


Dear humankind of today and tomorrow,

I do wish to contribute as much as I can, maybe even start a ripple effect, where other people will start taking action too and inspire other people too.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to go to the farmer’s market more


To My Children and My Future Grandchildren,

People are an amazing race and, if we have the will, I believe we have the ingenuity and resources to fix the harm we’ve done.

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