Dear Future Self:
Hello, and glad that you are receiving this letter long after it has initially had been written! Whether you are my future self or someone else who had found this letter, I hope I can share my thoughts with you the reader regarding the state of things, particularily regarding climate change.
I really hope things are better in terms of progress on climate change. In 2018, climate change is still something that we are fighting an uphill battle on. We have an administration that took us out of the Paris Climate Accords, causing America to lag behind other major nations on climate change and environmentalism. We have an EPA director in bed with lobbyists and special interest groups and is trying to lax laws strict on polluters and carbon emitters. We have many politicians on the GOP side literally bought and owned by the Koch Brothers and other big chemical companies.
So yeah, it’s a tiring, bruising uphill fight. But I hope that I am writing to you from a place of hope, not cynicism. I have taken action to fight for this cause I believe in. I volunteer in the community parks (such as the Guadalupe Parks) and help with planting flowers and trees. I joing advocacy groups that protest, educate people and get involved in various environmental intiatives to help the public understand the threat we face.
I hope that the situation has gotten better. I’m an eternal optimist and liked to believe that my work has made a difference. If yes, it is up to you to keep at this. Progress never comes easy and can be reversed or squadered as easily as achieved. If it hasn’t, you need to push even harder. Seek to educate your children, extended family and friends regarding this situation. It is imperative you get on this so that society, the environment and the world at large is a safe place to live. One can only imagine what would happen if no substantial progress is made on this front.
Best wishes and godspeed,