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Carlos Centeno
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Dear future me or fifth dimensional me or parallel universe me,

I know you’re out there thinking, hey I remember when I was looking for a way to help slow this mess down. I remember reading all the National Geographic articles. The one about the acidification of the sea, about the chopping down of vital forests, about the extinction of the little mouse (was it a mouse?) whose poop is eaten by some other creature who then does something to help some other being carry out the perfect continuation of an ecosystem’s processes in some forest out in Brazil. You remember reading about the 6th extinction, how far away that sounded, as far away as the forest in Brazil, as far away as the acidified seas, or the little mouse and its poop.

But now it is you, future me, who is far away, too distant from a solution. Because if there’s something present me knows he will regret is that all this is about timing and that by the time you read this, well, there just won’t be another chance to write a letter to a future me. And the trouble with that is, my kid and his kids can´t write to past dad and ask him to wake the fuck up (I’m sorry future me, I’m pissed off at you, when I think of you having done nothing, because it is “all too big”).

So here I am, present me, three dimensional me, known universe me, wondering if I’m that little mouse too, at some part of a giant chain reaction and the world is waiting for me to do my part, to keep this giant ecosystem running if we want to stay in it. If we want our lineage to remain immortal.

But the thing is, future me, I have no idea what to do other than recycle, cycle instead of ride, share info on social media and educate everyone around me and more importantly myself. What else can I do future self? Vote for the president with the most aggressive climate change agenda?

Future self, you know we worked with farmers everywhere for like 5 years to figure out how to make the most efficient use of water and land to avoid droughts and floods. But what else was I supposed to do future me? I feel like apologizing, but I don’t know what for. I just see this thing siding away from all of us here in the present and you frowning at me with your bushy grey eyebrows. I wish I’d know what else I could do man. Sorry.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow

I promise to educate others TODAY.


Dear future love,

A culture of consumption is the reason that my world faces such an ecological crisis, it is both necessary and proper to address the fundamental mindsets that have created such a destructive culture.


To my future children,

I am doing everything I can because I want the footprint that I leave behind to be my feet in the sand on a beach and not a carbon one.


Dear Earth,

I will keep the air clean so everyone can see the sunset.


I love you Earth.


Dear Great Grandchildren,

If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.


To my brother’s children,

We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.


Dear Tomorrow



Minhas lindas,

As causas das mudanças no clima são tão profundas e envolvem tanta gente e tantos lugares.


Dear future me,

I’m doing this work because I see it as the best way to save and improve as many lives as possible. I’m doing it so you, 2050 Ryan, can look at yourself in the mirror. And so you can tell your kids and grandkids someday that you did everything you could.


Dear Madeleine,

First of all I hope we succeeded in our dream that yours is a better world than the world of 2021. Today, the forests are burning, the sea levels are rising and wild weather is everywhere. But we are working hard and I’m confident we will succeed.


Dear Ya’Ash,

There are many paths to Truth, but regardless of your faith or ideology, one truth is above all else: Life must continue.

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