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Maddox Keeter
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Dear future me,

In 2016, the increase of the world’s average temp is 1.69*F. I’m sure it has gotten higher from now to then, but it might have gotten lower, after it got higher. By now you would have started your/our/my business. Then hopefully gotten everything under control, and made movies. (Ya know, the dude in a suit, cool guns, demons? Or the other one about the guys in suits with the V visors?)

Because it’s getting hotter, wildfires burn down more trees, which releases carbon into the air, and takes away more trees (which means that there are fewer plants to take away carbon,) and more carbon makes it hotter. There is the same problem with ice, where if some ice melts because it’s getting hotter, then it will make other ice more susceptible to melting, and ice reflects heat, so less ice means more heat.

I think that by the time this letter gets to you, there will be tons of plans to fix climate change, because otherwise your world will have a lot of problems. To help do the little you can, maybe you could buy an electric car that is powered by sunlight, or convert most of you power for the company sunlight/wind (cheaper).



Maddox K.


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Espero de verdade saber contribuir para legá-la inteira para você, e que todos saibamos fazer isso em conjunto também.


Dear future love,

A culture of consumption is the reason that my world faces such an ecological crisis, it is both necessary and proper to address the fundamental mindsets that have created such a destructive culture.


Dear Leo,

Last week I took you to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline.


Dear Future Me,

I hope that when we look back on these years,  you’ll see that humanity can be good. That we joined together and fixed it because of we don’t, who will?


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Dear Me of Tomorrow,

I plan to plant more things this spring, as we do every year in our garden.


People of tomorrow,

Your path will only be as clear tomorrow as we have made it for you today.


Dear Elliot and Alana,

But being truthful, I know we are not yet on the path that will lead to the change that is needed; but it is visible.


Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


Dear Beloved Children,

As time progresses, there is hope that value will be placed on all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Life will move at a slower pace, and being on your own time and moving at your individual pace will be the typical way of life. I consider this way of life good living, and I hope that future generations will live on this earth as it was once intended to live in peace and harmony.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will convince my family to switch their gas appliances to electric.


Happy 34th birthday my son.

To laugh at our efforts as they were on such a small scale, too small some would say to make a difference, and then smile when we think about the number families just like ours that did the same thing.

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