Dear future me,
I hope that people are more aware of global climate change at the moment. Although, the fact that it took 31 years to recognize it is horrific for me as it may be too late at this point. I hope at this point, we moved passed fossil fuels and are beginning to use renewable energy more. I also hope that there is better transportation for our people so that way they won’t feel the need to commute with the cars individually.
From the time I’m writing this, the world has made efforts in bringing down our GHGs but it is minimal in my opinion; but it is better than doing nothing at all. I hope you are doing something to sustain global climate change. I’ve learned to use energy-saving appliances and hope you will continue to do the same.
If you see protesters in the streets blocking the road, please tell them there are better ways to get the word out. Just blocking the cars from passing by will make them burn their fossil fuel still. Don’t be afraid to speak up.
2019 you