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Joanna Brown
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Dear Future Kids,

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Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to use a reusable water bottle.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


Dear Kai and Leah,

I want you to feel awestruck like I do. It is important to feel small sometimes, to feel the weight of reality, to recognize the scale of a challenge, to see where you fit and what you are up against. This is the case with climate change.


Dearest Finlay,

I hope you are healthy and happy and that you feel supported by the ecosystem around you because we are all deeply truly interconnected. We depend on the earth to take care of us, and nature needs us to take care of her in turn. We all need each other.


Dear Ryan,

I hope that you start doing things that will help the world.


To my daughter and son,

Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


Isabelle minha querida neta!

Nossa vida só tem qualidade se tem natureza ao nosso redor.


Dear Lucie,

Lucie, I love you more than you could ever know and I hope that my promises help contribute to a better world for you and inspire you to take action as well as you grow into the amazing adult I know you will be.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to stop eating beef.


I promise to plant more flowers.


Dear World,

The environment is important – take care of your actions to not destroy it starting from now.

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