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Dear Future Generations,

I, much like many in this site, am writing to you in the year 2017. As an individual who lives in the very populated California, it is easy to say that global warming may seem to be very fleeting with how much we don’t see it in comparison to other places in the world. Presentable conditions vary everywhere but that doesn’t mean that it’s not happening. Its 2017, a time where we are known to advancing for the better but with such a dissatisfying president, we can assume that change isn’t completely a stable thing yet. So as I’m writing towards the year of 2050, I’m hoping – praying that people have conformed into a routine that puts our Earth’s priority first above all harmful needs. Sometimes I watch Disney’s Wall-e and wonder just how accurate that movie is because it’s very much possible. In 2050, I hope that we’re a lot less closer to that future. Not only for an older me, but for any possible children or relatives I’ll have. No one wants to live in a bad environment. Make a change, together.

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