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Dear future fellas (coz I may probably never have children)

100 years from now, I expect(hope) that humanity will find a way to save our only planet from the inevitable destruction.

If I will be given the chance to be alive around 2100, I may probably just want to chill out and breathe in fresh oxygen from the outside of our home. It has been hard for me to be chasing around my dreams. If you don’t know what kind of a person am I, well I am that ambitious and prideful kind. I am not even sure if people will even read what I am writing. Well anyway, I want to tell you that life is more than chasing your dreams and ambitions. Sometimes, life is about taking a nap outside your home, under the starapple tree, while grandma is counting grocery money inside.

If I will be given the chance to live longer like forever, well I probably will build a trash collecting business. Not the usual (during this time 2020) garbage collecting business, but a world trash-collector. I want to be the one to collect all the wastes on this planet, and set my rocket to the direction of blackhole.

I want to save this planet. As much as possible, please stop using plastics and start inventing objects that can by recycled. It is important to save this blue planet because terraforming other planet is close to zero percent. I am not saying it is entirely impossible (2020), but I am just saying that saving home is more important that migrating to another planet whose future is very uncertain.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Future Self,

I am scared of the things happening right now with our planet.


Dear Isaiah,

I am grateful for your soul, for your creativity, for your empathy. All these are precious treasures that you have to offer the world. They will help. I thank you for being in this world right now, so that you can offer these gifts at a time of transition.


For my children,

If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.


Hola Cariño,

Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.


I want to tell you a story. Yes, another one.

Mankind has always been able to deal with the greatest challenges it’s faced and this will not be the exception. My message to you is: find that passion and give it your all. ‘Till your legs give out.


Our Promise

I will turn my gas transmission into an electric car!


Dear Llewyn, beloved grandson …

I can only say that I devoted myself to doing as much as I could to make it better, to provide for a just transition, and to fight those forces that continued to exploit the Eaarth with extractive methods, methods that always also included oppressing some people–because those doing the oppression believed that they were better and deserved more.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to use a refillable bottle, bring my own resusable spoon/form wherever I go, use clean personal care products (without chemicals).


Rachel and Noelle,

I hope in a small way this helps your world.


Dear future generations,

I pledge to you now that I will work tirelessly and with all my willpower so you don’t have to live in a world where you have to worry about the next storm.


dear future people (:

I hope that people are still enjoying the wonders that nature has to offer.


To my daughter and son,

Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.

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