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Dear future family,

I hope that the world in which you are living is beautiful and rich and free from the terrors of climate change. I hope the world in which you are living is somehow produced by efforts as well as the efforts of others.

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Saiba que enquanto eu tiver vida, minha voz não calará para alertar o mal que estamos fazendo agora para as nossas gerações futuras…


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


Dear Future Self,

I hope you got your dream job of using your business degree to reduce co2 emissions and promote sustainable energy.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Dear World,

I vow that I will try to make a difference every day, so that you may enjoy the world as I have.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.


To My Grandchildren,

It’s my hope that the following will be helpful as you navigate your futures.  These are the confessions of a climate activist:


Dear Tomorrow,

No plastic straws, no water bottles, shop local, no meat.


Tratar de assuntos climáticos com responsabilidade no Brasil

Que se multipliquem estes novos heróis da Terra!


Hola Cariño,

Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.


Dear my future child,

I promise you, I am going to do everything I can to save this planet for you. I won’t let you down, I swear.


To My Future Self,

This lead me to my final project, which focused on reforming the education system to incorporate sustainability classes into the current curriculum.

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