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Dear Future Family, 

I will promise that I will take care of what we use. I will promise that I will use solar power when I can where I can to help our nature and home safe. I promise I will not burn fossil fuels to keep you safe so that you don’t have to suffer from all the nature issues we face and that are caused like wild fires water levels changing. i want your world to be clean pure natural not what we are facing. i promise i will help the world be better for you to live a healthy happy life. i will take care for your nature that you will live in.

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More Messages to the Future


To my children,

I am working with on shutting down the coal and unconventional gas industries in our country because I cannot think of a more direct way to protect you, the food, water and biodiversity we all love and rely on.


Dear Evan,

What has most inspired me to act is wanting to be able to look you in the eye and say, “When I became aware of the existential threat of climate change, I did all I could.”  Despite my pessimism, I act in the hope it can make a difference for future generations and all the precious life on our fragile planet.


I love you Earth.


I pledge to use less plastic!


Dear Nieces, Nephews, & Future Children…

If there is any advice I could give you, it is to believe that although you are one single person in this world, you still have the ability to make a difference in this world.


Dear Tomorrow,

I feel optimistic for you, tomorrow. I can feel a shift happening already.


Dear Ellis,

So, dear heart, I am doing everything I can as the situation worsens.


To my daughter and her children,

As a minister, I have preached that we are here to be of service to others and to be care takers of this wonderful planet that God has given us.



Antes de realizar qualquer ação pense no meio ambiente para que suas atitudes sejam pautadas na sustentabilidade. Assim o seu pensar e agir localmente poderão resvalar na escala global.


Dear kids of America,

Please eliminate plastic everything


To My Future Child(ren),

The fact that you are reading this means that you would know the answer to a question that has kept me up at night more often than I would like to admit: Did I make you proud?


Dear Annalyse and Greyson,

See people can say they care about climate change, but caring is not action.

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