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Dear Future Daughter,

Well a 2020 memory is that schools were shut down for 6 months and we were stuck inside and had to where masks where ever we went. It really sucked not seeing friends or family but I taught myself to paint and I started writing my first book. It was a very eye opening experience and it showed me who my true friends were and how strong my mental health was.

I hope that the world is a better place and has less pollution and more equality and acceptance. I hope that people can start enjoying life and stop worrying about others. I hope I have gotten to see the world and take you along with me. I hope that the world is how it was meant to be. Full of love and peace and learning from struggle.

I promise to do my part in decreasing pollution and climate change. I promise to do my part in accepting people and do what I can to change what I can.

I think that pollution is a huge factor in why the world is the way it is, I hope that in the future it will be better but I believe people aren’t going to do anything about climate change until it starts affecting them and their families. Humans are a huge reason for pollution and climate change, and we can only blame ourselves if we don’t due anything until it’s too late.

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Minha pequena Nicole ainda não nos conhecemos, mas já te amo

Deixo para você o meu quintal onde o ar é perfumado pelas flores e árvores, a terra dá frutos e flores além de abrigar muitos bichinhos, a água é utilizada com consciência e o ser humano é respeitado e tratado como alguém que depende da natureza para VIVER.


Dear Makena,

Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you.


I want to tell you a story. Yes, another one.

Mankind has always been able to deal with the greatest challenges it’s faced and this will not be the exception. My message to you is: find that passion and give it your all. ‘Till your legs give out.


Dear Kiya,

Fighting for a system that rewards care for people and planet over profit.


Dear Daughter,

Even when contemplating huge global-historical issues — especially then — it’s important to stay grounded in the present time and place, the specific here and now, and the minute affairs of everyday interpersonal relations.


Dear Future Kids Like Me,

What I hope for future kids like me is that they continue to ride the groundswell of climate change support all the way into action.


Dear Future Me: Only open after March 4th, 2050

I don’t regret my past ventures, nor do I believe I will regret my future ventures, but I’ve learned that I’ve needed to manifest these experiences into actions of sustainable development and conservation and protection of our environment.


Dear Grandchildren,

I hope we can pass on a better place to live so that my grandchildren and their future children can enjoy the beauty of nature that our wonderful God has given us.


To my daughters,

In order for you two be happy and healthy, we all need to work hard to prevent climate change.


Dear Tripp,

I promise to do my part, supporting federal legislation to protect our earth while starting small with projects at home.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Dear Zhengqing Gao,

Fortunately, you didn’t get injured while the wildfire burned your school.

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