Dear Future Daughter,
Well a 2020 memory is that schools were shut down for 6 months and we were stuck inside and had to where masks where ever we went. It really sucked not seeing friends or family but I taught myself to paint and I started writing my first book. It was a very eye opening experience and it showed me who my true friends were and how strong my mental health was.
I hope that the world is a better place and has less pollution and more equality and acceptance. I hope that people can start enjoying life and stop worrying about others. I hope I have gotten to see the world and take you along with me. I hope that the world is how it was meant to be. Full of love and peace and learning from struggle.
I promise to do my part in decreasing pollution and climate change. I promise to do my part in accepting people and do what I can to change what I can.
I think that pollution is a huge factor in why the world is the way it is, I hope that in the future it will be better but I believe people aren’t going to do anything about climate change until it starts affecting them and their families. Humans are a huge reason for pollution and climate change, and we can only blame ourselves if we don’t due anything until it’s too late.