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Dear Future,

I won’t lie, I’m deeply concerned for you. These past years have felt like one step forward and two steps back, thanks to our commitment to the status quo and our political systems. It seems like every time we may have reached a tipping point, the world around me regresses to the mean. I worry you will continue to grasp onto the status quo and developments in technology and media will only continue to perpetuate economic end education inequality. I fear that if today’s climate and racial injustices do not begin to see meaningful mitigation, you will consist of civil war. I use the word ‘war’ with caution; it would probably be a fight fought over some type of techno-screen.

However, I’m also incredibly hopeful. I really do believe in human ingenuity. I think medicine and biotech will reach new limits, possibly finding cures, or at least answers, to some of today’s mysterious illnesses and/or diseases. Communities will take on conservation themselves and begin a larger movement of small-scale agriculture and waste management. I think some progress will be made in addressing climate change and in shifting what the status quo is. At some point, there may be a movement of people who, with a change of heart, suddenly open their eyes to what we define as reality.

The further development of technology will continue to get physically closer to the user. At some point, we may begin inserting technology inside the user through chips or god knows what else (we’re almost there anyway, considering the use of arm-implant birth control and IUDs, or other biotech used in the medical field… the main difference would be that it would no longer be a needs-based thing and become an entertainment-based thing). I’m sure there will be a larger, mostly global discussion on ethics about this. New-age tech laws will probably fail to continue to keep up.

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