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Emily Jones
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Dear future,

I hope all people can learn to take care of our world and respect the natural beauty of it. I promise to try my best to bring about change in the world.

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To my beloved granddaughters, Margaret and Caroline,

Growing up in Germany, I often wondered what my parents had done to oppose the Nazi regime in the 1930’s that led to WWII.  I was so disappointed when I found out how passive they had been. For me, this was formative.


I pledge to take the bus.


Dear Soren,

In this world that is changing before our eyes, I believe that is our task: standing unflinchingly on the side of love, connecting with others, and forging ahead together.


To my precious children

I want clean air, clean energy and muddy feet for you. I want this for all children.


Dear Nuriel, Eliran, and Rotem,

Sometimes I think we will never make it, but I know we must keep trying.


Dear Grandchildren,

I hope we can pass on a better place to live so that my grandchildren and their future children can enjoy the beauty of nature that our wonderful God has given us.


Dear Students,

My act of love will be to use all the power I have, during the rest of my life, to stop climate change.


Dear Nova and Remi,

I wish for you both that another kind of life has been discovered, one of peace, moderation and concern for all life.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to use a refillable bottle, bring my own resusable spoon/form wherever I go, use clean personal care products (without chemicals).


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will bring permaculture designs to my community.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to reduce electricity at home. I will turn off the TV and lights when I’m not in the room.

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