Dear Future,
We hope Trump will start “Green Energy” and stop using “Green Fuel”. Taipei, Taiwan
We hope Trump will start “Green Energy” and stop using “Green Fuel”. Taipei, Taiwan
To future Geof,
Cool, now that your jetpack is put away in your garage where you keep your flying car; how did the aliens save us from our own destruction? Did they have this hyper advance vacuum that just sucks all the greenhouse gases out of our atmosphere?
Dear Tomorrow
I promise to educate others TODAY.
Dear Grandchildren — August and any others who were born after him
I joined millions of other people who wrote letters and made calls urging our leaders to do more to care for the planet.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.
To all the people here on earth,
Who knows what the future would look like? or what will happened in the future? No one knows right? That’s why it it’s scary because we don’t know what lies ahead. We couldn’t stop the future but we can always change it.
Oh My Lovely Faizan,
I love you my son. You are waking up now. Hopefully tomorrow, more of us will, too.
Dear Future Earth,
I promise to promote the growth of clean energy, like solar… For the sake of my grandchildren.
To My Fellow Two-Spirits,
Thank you — Thank you — without you, I would not hear butterflies singing, without you, I would not understand black bear humor, or the creativity of jays planning their breakfast, without you, I would not feel flora whispers of long-lived wisdom on the back of my neck while sitting in Padmasana.
To the future,
Today, I will hope and envision the future I wish to achieve. Then tomorrow, I will have tough conversations, I will call my local representatives, I will continue to fight for this world.
Dear Tomorrow,
My climate promise is to reduce electricity at home. I will turn off the TV and lights when I’m not in the room.
Querido amanhã,
Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.
Dear Anabelle and Bruce,
My desire is for clean air, clean water, rich soil, and healthy nutritious food for you and all children always everywhere.