Dear Finn and other future grandchildren,
I love the look you get on your face when you see me and your “Pop Pop”. You know that we are going to have an adventure every time we are together. I love how much you want to go outside to play and how you like to investigate every little thing. I love how it makes your mommy squeal when you pick up a big, weird looking bug. Right now you are the perfect age for wonder, you are 15 months. You love to baaa like a sheep, and your favorite show when you are with me is Splash and Bubbles on PBS. You are learning about the ocean! I hope you always get to splash and play in it.
It makes me really sad to think you could be part of a generation fighting to clean up the big mess your ancestors left behind. It seems that so many of my generation still want to turn their head and worry about other things when our planet is so vulnerable. I believe God made this earth for us to thrive, but he made us to be good stewards of the wonders he has given us. It’s all a perfectly created system. Why does man always think he knows better that God?
I want to be better at preserving the future for you, but it will take everyone. I don’t know how to create a wind powered car, but someone does. I don’t know what to do about the battery situation in this world, but someone does. I don’t know the alternative to pesticides on our food supply or how to clean up our lakes and rivers, but someone does. What I do know is how to recycle and reuse, how to use less electricity, how to buy organic and support those in agriculture who grow organic. I know how to support those in Congress that are actively doing something about it.
I love you so very much and I want you to be responsible for the world and people around you. It is everyone’s job. I want you and all future generations to wonder at the wonders of this beautiful world.