Dear Ellie,
You will be born this year, 2019. I love you. My heart is an ocean of love for all the children facing a life of climate catastrophe. I promise to believe in you and to work for your happy future.
You will be born this year, 2019. I love you. My heart is an ocean of love for all the children facing a life of climate catastrophe. I promise to believe in you and to work for your happy future.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to go DEEP GREEN
To my daughters,
In order for you two be happy and healthy, we all need to work hard to prevent climate change.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise composting in my house and getting an EV for my first car.
A love letter to my son
I hope this year is a real turning point and by the time you’re a teenager, your life is powered almost entirely by clean energy like solar and wind.
Dear future me,
I am 19 years old, and I am angry.
Dear Tomorrow,
Less meat, more on my feet!
Dear Spike, Loulou and Yoshua,
I’m going to start a campaign to try to convince everybody in the Netherlands to not eat meat one day a week.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to drive less and walk more.
To My Children,
Is the world really polluted?
To the wonder,
Dear tomorrow, thank you for letting me ride the wave of wonder that reaches toward you for all generations of all species to come.
Dear Tomorrow
I promise to reduce my waste production
Dearest Gray,
When I asked you why the purple Violet called to you, you told me it was “magic”. I hope that you can still find the magic of life. I hope, despite everything, it is still in abundance.